Sales & Marketing (6)

Jun 21, 2019

How to Hire for Sales: Resources and Interview Questions (Guide to Hiring, Part 2)

It is a job seeker’s market right now. Good talent is hard to find. But if you “treat your recruitment process like a sales process,” (as Kathleen Votaw…

May 31, 2019

6 Traits the Salesperson of Tomorrow Needs Today

Massive shifts are taking place in how we work and how we sell and the business that thrives today will adjust to these now. The customer of tomorrow, the…

Mar 29, 2019

Alex Rodriguez: Do You Want Him At-Bat or Serving Popcorn? (Building a Salesforce Part 5)

Imagine this: You are the coach of the New York Yankees. It’s a playoff game and the score is tied. You’re at the bottom of the ninth with two outs. Your…

Mar 15, 2019

This is What Happens When Your Sales and Marketing Strategy are Synched (Building a Salesforce, Part 4)

If you suck at marketing your own brand, why would a client trust you with theirs?Clients today have sophisticated tastes. They know what effective…

Dec 19, 2018

Are you Shilling Product or Solving Problems? 14 Questions to Make You a Customer Expert

In our last post, we discussed the three roles that describe the evolution of the promotional products professional, that of the promo pusher, the…

Nov 30, 2018

Converting Customers into Raving Fans with Ruth Verver (A skucamp NOLA Video)

Ruth Verver has over 15 years of operations and marketing experience. She jumped into the industry right after college, working for a distributor in a…

Nov 02, 2018

7 Questions to Dramatically Increase Your Sales (Business Planning Series, Part 1)

Whether you are a solopreneur or manage a team of salespeople, how do you do business planning that becomes more than wishful thinking? How do we make…

Sep 18, 2018

How Brand+Culture Fusion Attracts Clients and Talent (Culture Series, Part 5)

This is the fifth post in a new series on how to build a strong culture in your promotional products business. Culture and brand form a perfect symbiosis.…

May 17, 2018

Stay in Your Lane! 3 Attitudes That Inspire Profitable Working Relationships (Path to Profit Series, Part 6)

A waiter drops a tray of food in the restaurant where you’re having lunch. The crash is deafening. Everyone turns to survey the disaster. You are seated…

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