Welcome to the World of Branded Merch!

Welcome to the World of Branded Merch!

Updated August 29, 2024

Welcome to the world of branded merch! 

If you’re reading this, you’ve just walked into an astonishingly creative world.

How incredible is this industry?

Most people never leave the business. 

This work gets deep in your system. It’s fun, energizing, … and also, surprisingly complex. 

But that’s the joy in it too. 

It's a very creative business with a sophisticated supply chain and successful folks in this industry love this cross-section of complex + creative.

So … welcome to your new growth opportunity! 


If You're New-New the Industry

You might be asking, what the heck is a promo product anyways? You've likely heard it heard it by its more modern term "branded merch" or simply, "merch." If you've bought a t-shirt from your favorite band, your favorite sports team, or received a gift when onboarding at a new company, you've experienced the tactile world of merch!

Branded merch: A product that is imprinted with a brand's logo and given to fans, employees, or prospects, to create affinity with the brand.


It's pretty easy to see examples all around you once you begin noticing, you'll soon see: merch is everywhere (for good reason).

But to a more complicated question, "How does it all happen?"

A picture is worth a thousand words, this is how the supply chain works in one snapshot:


promo industry supply chain overview

A distributor sources products from manufacturers ("suppliers") on behalf of their clients ("end clients") for a specific marketing initiative (just a few project examples: sales incentives, onboarding kits for new employees, holiday gifts, uniforms). The "client" (brand) then distributes those products to recipients "end users" (terrible term but we didn't make it up, lol, it really just means recipients like fans, prospects, or clients).

There's a lot more here to unpack but we have an easy lexicon for you to understand all the basic industry terms here.

Okay, I think I got the basics, now what?

Now, comes the most important part. The business looks seemingly simple but is surprisingly complex. To help you establish yourself with a strong foundation as a professional, we want to share with you a few key secrets that the most successful in the biz know and do.

We've had the privilege of working with some of the most creative, ambitious, and imaginative people in the industry (our 800 distributor companies have over 20% average annual growth rates) and through their experience, we’ve uncovered ten traits vital to your success. Plus, we’ve put together resources for you to read, watch, or listen to, to inspire you and help you gain a macro view of your new world.

For starters, here's the list of ten traits that the most successful people in this business possess (or improve on!) in their journey:


10 Traits All Successful Promo Pros Possess


  1. Curiosity: With a million product options (literally), thousands of decorating methods, wildly different client types, hundreds of different product purposes, you’ll never stop learning. And that’s a good thing. Probably one of the most repeated phrases in this profession is: “OK, I think I’ve got this business down now,” until a new project comes from a client, and you learn again. Curiosity is the #1 trait that drives every pro in this business. Curiosity is the glue that holds everything in this business together.

  2. Ingenuity over creativity. Creativity is crucial, in fact, it’s a given. But the creative muscle you’ll flex the most is ingenuity. Ingenuity is taking a product that anyone can get and creating an experience that no one else can emulate. It’s a high bar but the best in the biz are insanely ingenious at creative problem-solving.

  3. Flexibility: Pivot power. You will need to be able to pivot quickly. Supplier out of stock? Pivot. Missed ship date? Pivot. “Flexibility is a mental process which results in an action that tests a possible solution”* Pivoting away from problems towards solutions is a special kind of mastery the pros know.

  4. Exactitude and Thoroughness: A detail-oriented mindset tempered by deadlines. Obsessiveness about getting it right.

  5. Patience. Grace under pressure. There will be high-pressure moments in your role from time to time, it’s those who handle it (and handle others) with respect and passion, win.

  6. Conscientiousness: Give-a-shitted-ness. You need to care, strongly, about each client and the outcome of every transaction.

  7. Interdependence: This can’t be overstated. Working on a team, requires an interdependent attitude, all parties must possess a confident humility, respect, and deference toward one another. It’s vital. People are often hired for hard skills but fired for (lack of) soft skills. Interacting and communicating with others, while taking responsibility, is crucial.

  8. Respectful Tenacity: Sometimes, you might have to get very direct with manufacturers or clients, and will need to be able to do so tactfully and respectfully. You need to be able to affect change with the convincing force of a hurricane but through the sweet disposition of a gentle rain. Sounds strange, but, the best of the pros in this business convince kindly, but with authority.

  9. Invest in yourself: There’s a big difference between people who just take a job versus those who embrace a career. Career-minded people invest themselves in the business. They look for learning opportunities, they stay curious, and they throw themselves into the deep end of the pool knowing they’ll learn how to swim. It’s the difference between simply doing what you’re told versus investing in yourself.

  10. Initiative: Enough said.

And now, ready to be inspired?


Here are several resources to introduce you to the business. We have an incredible backlog of articles, videos, and podcasts for you to check out but we’ve singled out a few of the best to inspire you:


Welcome to promo -- You're Going to Love it!


You were likely hired for a specific reason, maybe it was in production, maybe sales, maybe design, but we all work toward one goal: bringing a smile to peoples’ faces through the power of branded merch.

Never forget that though you work in branding, marketing, and merchandising, you ultimately bring joy to a lot of people.

And couldn’t this world use more surprise and delight?

On behalf of our entire team —a crew who loves this business and the people in it— welcome to your incredible future!

Additional resources:

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