
May 31, 2018

4 Ways Profit Creates a Flywheel Effect in Your Culture (Path to Profit Series, Part 8)

“If you are lucky enough to be someone’s employer, then you have a moral obligation to make sure people do look forward to coming to work in the morning.”…

May 17, 2018

Stay in Your Lane! 3 Attitudes That Inspire Profitable Working Relationships (Path to Profit Series, Part 6)

A waiter drops a tray of food in the restaurant where you’re having lunch. The crash is deafening. Everyone turns to survey the disaster. You are seated…

May 03, 2018

Managing a Profitable Team: Four Hidden Areas Where You’re Bleeding Cash (Path to Profit Series, Part 5)

In our recent series on profitability, we’ve explored keys to more profitable client relationships (part one and part two) and more profitable supplier…

Apr 27, 2018

Your Suppliers Are Not Vendors - 3 Benefits of Stronger Supplier Partnerships (Path to Profit Series, Part 4)

Your suppliers are not vendors; they are critical business partners. We are tempted to think our clients are the most important stakeholders in our…

Apr 18, 2018

Four Ways to Uncover More Profit with Existing Clients (Path to Profit Series, Part 3)

To increase your profit, you can’t merely hope your customers spend more. Hope is not a business plan. Warren Buffett said the investor of today does not…

Apr 12, 2018

4 Keys to Focusing on the Most Profitable Clients (Path to Profit Series, Part 2)

A new customer of mine had just crossed the $20,000 threshold in sales YTD. As a new salesperson, it was an important number to me because that was the…

Apr 05, 2018

Profit: The Real Business of Winning (Path to Profitability Series, Part 1)

Why are some businesses rewarding and profitable at $1 million in sales, with happy principals and employees, and others, at $20 million, are miserable,…

Mar 27, 2018

The skucamp Experience, New Orleans

You arrive. As you step out of your cab, meeting that sultry 80-degree air, you know in a second that you’re in another world, a place that’s a feast for…

Feb 23, 2018

How Entrepreneurs Jam (A skucon 2018 Production)

Ever wonder how the entrepreneur’s jam? How they improvise? How they riff ideas off each other and inspire one another to greatness? Continuing a skucon…