Building a Company to Last and a Life to Love with Rod Brown of MadeToOrder, Inc. (A skucamp NOLA Video)

Rod Brown started the Harwood Company, a promotional products distributor, in 1989, grew it to over $13 million in sales and sold it in 2000. In 2003, Rod put a group of senior employees together, organized an LBO, bought the company back, and re-launched as MadeToOrder, Inc. Today, MadeToOrder, Inc. is a $30 million dollar company with over 19 US Sales Partners. In 2013 MadetoOrder, Inc acquired Jams Marketing, a $12 million dollar distributor with a focus on the casino gaming industry.
Rod has worked on a number of entrepreneurial ventures, business start-ups, acquisitions, recapitalizations and leveraged buyouts and is a fiscal conservative with a strong balance sheet focus who embraces creative use of corporate finance and equities in a small cap business environment. Rod's a big believer in the use of equities as both a financing tool and a vehicle to incent the sales and management to perform at a higher level, embrace fiscal responsibility, and create long-term reward.
Rod delivered a session at skucamp that walked the audience through, not only the dramatic highs and lows of a long-suffering and very successful career in this business, but he shared from his heart and by example, how to build both a prosperous business and an enriching life. Rod's presentation received a standing ovation from the audience. Gather your team together over lunch and watch industry legend and mentor, Rod Brown, school us on the art of building a life to love (you can download the PDF from Rod's presentation here.
Thank you to our content sponsor Snugz USA.