Episode 268: How an Effective Rebrand Strategy Can Achieve Organizational Harmony | Camila Linaweaver & Pierre Martichoux with Chameleon Like

Episode 268: How an Effective Rebrand Strategy Can Achieve Organizational Harmony | Camila Linaweaver & Pierre Martichoux with Chameleon Like

chameleon like was established in 1998, by “by two French guys that believed in going left when everyone else went right.” 

You probably know Chameleon Like from their stylish journals, econolux mailers and packaging, and more, always incredibly designed and impeccably tailored.

Pierre Martichoux founded chameleon books & journals in 1998 and has been its president ever since. A California resident for more than 30 years, he shares his time between the Gilroy, ca headquarters, the Houston, TX facility, and visiting clients throughout the US. Pierre is one of my favorite folks in the business, he’s creative, extraordinarily helpful, and constantly pushes the boundaries of what a great maker can do. 

Camila Linaweaver is the General Manager at Chameleon Like (Houston facility) and has been with the company since 2020. She has a background in fine art, with an emphasis in sustainable printmaking and screen printing, and holds an MFA from the University of Oklahoma. Camila is both an exceptional artist and an incredible production director and she contributes to the Chameleon Like board of directors with ample experience in sustainable print practices and serves as a voice for chameleon like employees.

The chameleon like team recently rebranded. When Mark Graham and Dave Shultz and I were in the Houston facility last year, we got a sneak peek into what they were building, and today, you can see their new brand experience at chamleonlike.com.

In today’s episode, we ask Pierre and Camila to break down the process they went through and the impact it has had on the clarity of their mission. Plus, we talk about the difficulty of navigating –as a supplier– between providing transparency as a manufacturer and working through their distributors while creating a memorable brand for both.

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