Finance (2)

Jul 18, 2019

How Much Should I Pay My Support Team? (Guide to Hiring, Part 4)

In our series on hiring, so far we’ve discussed how to write dynamic job descriptions, and how to hire for both sales and support (including interview…

Feb 22, 2019

How Much Should I Pay a Salesperson? (Building a Salesforce Part 2)

In our previous post, we talked about getting ready to scale your sales team and in today’s post, we’ll look at the actual numbers we have to work with to…

Apr 05, 2018

Profit: The Real Business of Winning (Path to Profitability Series, Part 1)

Why are some businesses rewarding and profitable at $1 million in sales, with happy principals and employees, and others, at $20 million, are miserable,…

Aug 10, 2017

8 Secrets the Pros Know About Protecting Your Bottom Line and Maximizing Your Profit (The Path to $10 Million, Part 7)

It happens to all of us at some point in our promotional products career: you finally convert that hard-to-reach prospect into a bonafide customer … only…

Mar 24, 2016

Designing a sales compensation plan that works

Designing an effective sales compensation plan is one of the most effective weapons you have as a sales manager/business owner. Yet, it’s one of the…

Mar 26, 2014

Get paid faster with commonsku and Stripe

commonsku has always made it quick and convenienent to send invoices to your customers. Now it’s one step better. Accept credit card payments online…