Episode 92: CoLab: Reimagining the Way We Collaborate (with Adam Walterscheid and Ben Taylor)

Episode 92: CoLab: Reimagining the Way We Collaborate (with Adam Walterscheid and Ben Taylor)

What if you could build a seamless completely custom product collection that transcended the limitations of supplier lines, encompassed a variety of products, simplified the supply chain, streamlined the communication, all while using multiple suppliers who collaborate to create a cohesive experience? 

We're not talking merely the ideation phase, but beyond this to where suppliers are working together to streamline the effort behind the scenes. This idea for seamless collaboration sparked between two suppliers who are now tearing down the walls and transforming the way we can all work together to build a unified and frictionless concept in one offering for the buyer.

In this episode, we explore what this new era of collaboration looks like with Adam Walterscheid, CEO of T-Shirt Tycoon and YourCo, and Ben Taylor the Chief Marketing Officer at BamBams. Adam and Ben share the story of a complex project that would become CoLab, a service designed for distributors to build a completely custom product collection that transcends traditional supply lines while sharing creative resources and channeling communication through one contact.

Join us on this episode as Mark Graham (commonsku’s co-founder and chief platform officer) and I, chat with Ben and Adam about a complex story that led to the creation of a model that re-imagines the way we create, called CoLab.


commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com

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