Episode 328: Hit Promo's Amy Rabideau and Jon Norris Are Making Big Changes

Hit Promo is now a connected+ supplier on commonsku, what does that mean? A lightening fast ordering process, securing inventory quicker, and the elimination of order entry errors by you and your team (and more!)
Today, we’re talking with Amy Rabideau, Hit’s VP of Product and Jon Norris, Chief Strategy Officer at Hit.
Jon, as you might know, is one of the founding thinkers behind the movement to digitization in our industry through Promostandards, and Amy is helping build more tech proficiency at Hit. Amy’s also an expert in change management so we not only talk about what the connected+ story means for our customers but even if you’re not on commonsku and you’re listening because you’re curious, Amy has some great advice on helping teams overcome big changes.
Also, registration is now open for our signature event skucon held in skucon in Las Vegas on Jan 12th. For over a decade, skucon has been the gathering place for the industry’s most creatively ambitious minds! If you want to kick off your year with a healthy dose of optimism and smart inspiration, come learn how to be brilliant at a moment's notice with creative coach Todd Henry, he’s author of the best-selling book, The Accidental Creative, and join us to hear Kyla Scanlon, who The Wall Street Journal called “the 27-year old economic adviser for Gen Z.” Jared Bernstein, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers considers her an impressive thinker about the economy. Also don’t miss our closing keynote, our friend Ben Higgins, from "The Bachelor" fame, as he shares how to build a generous business, skucon is the best of high-level inspo and streetwise business tactics, there is limited seating, tickets always sell out so if you’re thinking about it, grab those tickets today at
But for now, tune into our chat with Jon and Amy!