Episode 312: Want Better Collaboration? Embrace Active Listening (with Stephen Shedletzky)

Episode 312: Want Better Collaboration? Embrace Active Listening (with Stephen Shedletzky)

Stephen Shedletzky — or “Shed” to his friends — helps leaders make it safe and worth it for people to speak up. He supports humble leaders — those who know they are both a part of the problems they experience and the solutions they can create — as they put their people and purpose first.

A sought-after speaker, coach, and advisor, Shed has led hundreds of keynote presentations, workshops, and leadership development programs around the world. As a thought leader on psychological safety in the workplace, he is the author of Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up.

After years on a corporate track, Shed was introduced to and inspired by the work of Simon Sinek and, soon after meeting him, became the fourth person to join his team. For more than a decade, Shed has contributed at Simon Sinek, Inc., where, as Chief of Staff and Head of Brand Experience, Training & Development, he headed a global team of speakers and facilitators.

Shed graduated from the Richard Ivey School of Business with a focus on leadership, communication, and strategy. He also received his coaching certification from The Co-Active Training Institute.

And Shed is our kick-off keynote at skucamp in Nashville on Sept 15-18!

Today we talk with Shed about so much, you’ll love the depth of his thinking, we talk about: candor with care, the most important traits of a leader, the struggle some of us have moving from roles like a sales driver to an organizational leader, and more - join us!

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