Episode 30: Amazon's On-Demand Apparel Patent

Episode 30: Amazon's On-Demand Apparel Patent

Amazon wins a patent for on-demand apparel, and the news headlines suggest panic for all apparel manufacturers. Is this news an opportunity or a threat? Does this impact the corporate apparel business, and if so, how?

This won't be the last time a news headline about a major brand causes concern among suppliers and distributors; in light of this, how do we respond? Are there services we can deploy in our businesses that will insulate us from the threat of disruption? Can we secure client relationships to the point that any entity (Amazonian-or-not) cannot shake the loyalty of our best customers?

These are the questions we wrestle with on this episode. Our purpose is not to foment fear or panic; it is to get at the heart of what we do for our customers and to ensure that we are solving problems, exceeding expectations, and delivering on a value that cannot be shaken.

Join Bobby Lehew, Mark Graham, and Samantha Kates as we explore what it means to provide stellar experiences for our customers, create emotional connections with our brands, and protect our growing businesses from competitive threats.

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com

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