Episode 204: Marketing is the New Sales (skucamp Panel)

Episode 204: Marketing is the New Sales (skucamp Panel)

In September we hosted our annual boot camp experience for entrepreneurs called skucamp where many of the industry’s market leaders, challenger brands, and entrepreneurs gathered together for a few truly magical and inspiring days at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs. 

At the event, we hosted keynotes, panels, and breakout discussions on some of the most challenging issues and unique opportunities facing our industry. One of those discussions was the session “Marketing is the New Sales” and it was an interview hosted by Mark Graham, commonsku’s President, and Chief Brand Officer, who chatted with four leaders of some of the smartest marketing minds in the business: Sarah Whitaker with Williams Advertising, Sean Mooney and Alex Wier with Wier/Stewart, and John Vo with Whoopla.

During the past year, there’s been a huge shift in the sales world with marketing playing a key role. Marketers are now the new Sales Makers. For a long time, the marketing profession was like the stepchild in the sales household in our industry. But now, marketing is the compass, how customers find you; marketing is the fuel for sales growth with existing clients, and marketing is how you differentiate and distinguish yourself from the herd.

Today, you’ll hear this panel of fresh makers who are redefining how marketing makes sales happen!

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com

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