Episode 114: A New Era in Productivity: The Connected Workflow with Catherine Graham

Episode 114: A New Era in Productivity: The Connected Workflow with Catherine Graham

“The more transparency there is in terms of information flow, the more trust exists, and this will elevate the relationships in this industry.” - Catherine Graham


For every order in this business, there are, on average, eight manual follow-up interactions between distributors and suppliers. Multiply that times the number of orders you process in a year and the inefficiency is staggering.

Moreover, 66% of all orders received by suppliers from distributors are either missing information or have incorrect information. That’s why this latest development in PromoStandards integration has an unprecedented impact on productivity.

In today’s episode, commonsku’s CEO Catherine Graham joins us to talk about the new connected workflow and how ePOs (electronic purchase orders), the strongest link in the connected workflow chain, allow for the effortless transfer of accurate, live data, from ideation to orders to production to invoicing without compromising the accuracy on any order.

Catherine shares with us:

  • How this development will Impact supplier speed and accuracy

  • How this development will result in a dramatic overhaul of a distributor’s infrastructure due to less oversight on orders, freeing up time and resources to focus on selling

  • The technical work behind developing PromoStandards.

  • What distributors can do to help accelerate the steps needed for suppliers to comply with PromoStandards

  • Why PromoStandards is needed and the friction it will remove from the industry

 Join us as we discover the friction-free journey that will help make you faster, more accurate, and stress free! 

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com

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