Unexpected Places to Draw Design Inspiration for Your Next Project

Unexpected Places to Draw Design Inspiration for Your Next Project

After a busy and challenging year, it’s understandable that inspiration for a creative design for your clients may be at an all-time low. But heading into Q4 requires more of your creative energy and expertise than ever to bring your customer’s holiday visions to life in a meaningful and memorable way.

Today on the commonsku blog, we’ll be highlighting 3 unexpected places you can draw inspiration for your next project, to end off the year strong and impress your clients:

Street Art

Whether it’s graffiti on the side of the train tracks or a commissioned mural on your neighborhood coffee shop, there’s art all around you each day! Take a walk around the block on your next lunch hour with the intention of taking note of the street art you pass. Pay attention to the colors, the font styles, and the linework.

Pro Tip: Many muralists sign the bottom of their installations with their Instagram handle! Reach out for a possible collaboration for a local client.

Restaurant Styling

There is a lot that can be learned from the restaurant industry when it comes to design. Next time you’re out for dinner take note of the art they include on the walls, the fabric they incorporate into the seating and booths, the light fixtures and where they’re placed, and even what the waiters are wearing! Why does it all work together and what do you feel when you experience the elements together?

Pro Tip: Many restaurants have already incorporated their own merch section or site for their patrons to enjoy. Ask your waiter about it and what their favorite items are! And if they don’t have one? Looks like you may have an opportunity with a brand new client.

Shop Windows

In an age where e-commrece is king, often the window displays of brick and morter stores are not given the credit they deserve (we’re partial to the Queen Street Hudson Bay Windows in Toronto). From large chains to smaller boutiques, the effort and design that goes into the window disolays can teach us a thing or two about how to draw in our customer and create a memorable experience.

Pro Tip: Take note of where you eye is drawn to first in the display. Is it a texture, a colour, pattern or imagery? Take note of what grabs your attention and remember this when working on your own designs!

Looking for more design inspiration to carry you into the new year? It’s not too late to purchase a virtual pass to skucon 2022 and experience a keynote presentation from design legend, Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co. Secure your tickets today, and start 2022 off on a creative foot!

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