Privacy Policy

Welcome to commonsku! commonsku Inc. makes available the website and its related products and services (together, the “Services”). This Privacy Policy describes how we handle information collected through the Services.

By using the Services, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not access the Services.


What We Do With Your Information

We use your personal information to provide, improve and protect the Services; provide you with information you might be interested in; customize your experience; communicate with you; and as otherwise outlined in this Privacy Policy


What Information We Collect?

Account If you register for an account, we will ask you for personal information like your name, email address and if you are a distributor or a supplier. You can choose to tell us additional information like your profile photo, company name, title, length of employment and industry experience, industry focus, location and phone number.

Newsfeed If you post a comment on one of the newsfeeds, your comment will be posted with your profile information including your name and photo. If you post on the public newsfeed, all of our users will see this information. If you post on your company newsfeed, only users from your company will see this information.

User Messages If you send a message to another user, they will see your name, profile photo and message. If you receive a message, we will send you an email to let you know that you have a new message.

Messages from Us If you tell us that you want to receive messages from us, we will keep you up to date on our products and services. At any time, if you don’t want us to continue sending you updates, please follow the opt-out instructions in our email. Please note that despite your email preferences, we may still send you transactional messages about your service.

Distributor Data When a Distributor provides a quote or submits a purchase order using the Services, we share the following information with the supplier of the applicable product: the Distributor’s profile information, product sku, industry of the recipient of the quote or purchase order, event type and if a purchase order was created.

Statistics We collect statistics about use of the Services to help us improve our services. This information will not contain personal information and we may share this information with other parties including advertisers.

System Logs and Cookies We use system logs and cookies to provide and improve our services. You can set your browser to not accept cookies, but this may mean that you may not be able to access all features of the Services or use the Services at all.

Advertisements The Services may contain advertisements placed by third parties. Advertisements may contain cookies that compile information, for example about which advertisements you clicked on. This Privacy Policy only explains how we handle personal information. If you click on any advertisements, you should visit the privacy policies of the applicable websites to learn more about their privacy practices.


Sharing Your Information

Aggregate Information We share aggregate information that does not personally identify any user with third parties.

Subsidiaries and Affiliates; Service Providers We may share your personal information with our subsidiaries, affiliates and third-party service providers including our payment processor, email marketing provider, accounting Services provider, analytics providers and website host. Our service providers store information worldwide, meaning that your personal information may be available to governments worldwide under a lawful order.

Legal Requests We may disclose your personal information if we believe we are required to do so to comply with the law or to protect or defend our rights or property or those of others.

Business Changes We may disclose your personal information to any acquirer of our business.



We use standard technical and administrative measures to protect your personal information. However, keep in mind that data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be secure.


Updating and Deleting Your Information

You can review and update your account information at any time. If you tell us you would like to delete your information, we will delete it unless we are prevented from doing so because of legal or technical constraints.



We aim to make our privacy practices easy to understand. If you have questions or concerns about our practices, please email and we would be happy to assist.