Accelerate Sales with Smart, Interactive Presentations



Close Deals Faster

Utilize smart, interactive presentations to streamline your sales process and engage clients effectively.


Connect Your Workflow

Eliminate the rekeying of information and relaying information to your colleages. A simple click converts your Presentation to an Estimate, then Sales Order.


Enhanced Customer Experience

Allow your customers to comment, add products to their cart, and create orders with a single click, simplifying their purchasing journey.

Transform your sales process today!

Start using our interactive Smart Presentations to engage customers, integrate top products seamlessly, and enable one-click order creation.

Give your team an edge with commonsku

Feature Overview

  • Customizable Design Elements:

    Choose from one of our beautiful, intuitive themes, and easily add your brands logos and colors to create beautiful Presentations in minutes.

  • Seamless Product Sourcing Integrations:

    Add products effortlessly through integrations with leading search platforms like SAGE, ESP, and DistributorCentral.

  • Easily Convert Your Presentations to commonsku Shops:

    Offer your clients a catered e-commerce experience, without the time and frustration. Convert Smart Presentations to a Shop with just a few clicks!

Features - Presentations

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Don't just take it from us!

Hear more about commonsku from distributors just like you that use and love the commonsku platform.

"There is nothing better than commonsku Smart Presentations. The amount of compliments I get on our Presentations from clients says it all, they're intuitive, efficient, and stunning."


Ethan Dowie

Indigo Promotions

Other Features