PromoStandards Integration

Live Product Data and Blank ePOs

We're excited to announce our new blank ePOs and live product data PromoStandards integration with alphabroder.

This integration will allow commonsku customers and their teams to access data directly from our system, submit POs instantaneously, and give you immediate access to Order Status/Ship Notifications within the commonsku platform.

NEW: Canadian distributors can now also take advantage of the benefits of blank ePOs and live product data via alphabroder Canada integration!

→ Set up your credentials on commonsku here!

Why is this big news for your company?

Our integration with PromoStandards removes the friction of working with suppliers and gives distributors access to:

  • Managers can now trust their reps will use up-to-date product data on their sales and purchase forms
  • Sales Reps now have full access to product data not available through other integrations including real-time inventory
  • Finance Reps can process invoices confidently, knowing that the product costs are automatically pulled from the supplier's databases and include any special discounts

How will this change the way you work?

  • Gone are the days of follow up phone calls and emails to place an order
  • Confidence in inventory levels before you place your order
  • The streamlined order processing of ePOs, while still giving you freedom and flexibility to enter your decoration specifications as you wish

Not a commonsku customer? commonsku is an effortless business management platform that empowers you to process more orders and handle more business. Book a 1-on-1 with our Sales Team to learn more!

What to expect from your 1-on-1:

  • A discussion of your business process
  • A review of how we make complex processes simple
  • An understanding if commonsku is the right fit for your business