Learn how Peerless Umbrella uses commonsku to go from handshake to hug

Charity Gibson

Charity Gibson





Umbrellas and bags


Newark, NJ


commonsku is like octane to a new prospect or client relationship. You can land deals faster plus build deeper relationships with the customers that matter most.

“The community is unmatched on commonsku,” said Charity Gibson, National Account Coordinator at Peerless. “I attended skucon and met Renya Nelson of Brand Aid, one of the industry’s rising stars and a very successful distributor. We later connected through commonsku's online platform as well. I was recently in Salt Lake City, working a show, and because of the connection made at the event and then online, I was able to shoot off an email to see if I could visit them while in town. They said ‘Heck yeah, come see us!’ and I stopped in and was able to tour their office and meet the whole team. It's pretty special when the digital conversation overflows into real life, and suddenly the experience goes from talking to someone from behind a computer screen to walking into their office and being able to see everything they are doing, talk about projects, and make things happen.

"The future of business is happening now on commonsku."


Charity continued,“Brian Fanzo says social media turns a handshake into a hug. This is even more true with the community on commonsku and the use of the collaboration tool. We can exchange information, get logos, and provide virtuals right in the feed. This method takes things way beyond the 'have you seen this pen' type of post. It's productive, time-saving, and fun! The future of business is happening now on commonsku."

We asked Charity if collaborating has enhanced engagement with the right types of distributors? “Oh, 100%,” she replied. “People communicate differently on different platforms … so there are people on facebook, for example … it’s interesting to see how the conversations differ between the two communities; the exact same post can go up on facebook as on commonsku but the level of conversation on commonsku typically ends up going in a completely different direction."

Charity Gibson is one of the most responsive personalities in the industry. A constant connector and encourager, Charity lands deals, not only for the suppliers she works for but for other suppliers as well. As such, Charity has developed a skill at recognizing opportunity and seizing it when it matters most.

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