Customer Growth Journey with Northern Branding Studio


Jen Beldam


On commonsku since



5 - 10


Picton, Ontario, Canada



Closing the gaps in a small business can be a daunting task to undertake. But Jen Beldam, and the team at Northern Branding Studio based in Picton, Ontario, Canada, knew that if they wanted to increase their efficiency and effectiveness and get back to working on creating amazing projects for their clients, it was time to take the plunge.

Since joining commonsku, Jen describes the platform, matter-of-factly, in one quick sentence, “It’s the most efficient growth tool - getting new users on the platform is frictionless, orders and re-orders are quick and painless, and every export is professional-looking and customized to your brand.”

When it comes to working on the daily in commonsku, Jen and her team have noticed the communication within their company skyrocket, allowing them to identify the processes that needed to be created or strengthened and make the handoffs between the client services team, graphic design team, and production team a breeze!

Their favorite feature? Jen shares, “You would have to pry the Decorator Matrix from my cold, dead hands. Because we do some production in-house, the Decorator Matrix completely changed how we quote and charge for projects. We’re consistent now, and it forced us to take a deep look at our process surrounding that and our actual costs of production. Having this feature has freed up all the time and mental math I spent on quotes and presentations, to focus on other parts of the business.”

When reflecting on her decision to join the commonsku platform, Jen adds, “I can’t think of a tool or system that has had a better ROI than commonsku. The time you invest for yourself and your team in the short term will pay you back in spades in the long run. I resisted joining commonsku for a long time because the thought of learning a new system that touched every part of my business was so daunting and overwhelming. When I finally took the plunge, my only regret was not doing it sooner!”

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