
Episode 231: Branded Merch + NFTs: The Power Duo (Nick Casares, PolyientX)

Written by commonsku | Jul 14, 2022 1:23:00 PM
skucast - the official podcast of commonsku · Branded Merch + NFTs: The Power Duo (Nick Casares, PolyientX)

NFTs, non-fungible tokens are quickly being adopted, not just by collectors, but by brands of all types from Wrangler to Adidas. And many of them are creating tactile experiences alongside the digital, for example, a supplier in our industry, Wendell August, created a commemorative physical coin to accompany every NFT they created. NFTs are finding their way into many brand conversations, which is why we wanted to dig deeper by inviting an expert in NFTs to join us for today’s chat. 

Nick Casares is the Head of Product at PolyientX. PolyientX helps brands with turnkey strategy and technology solutions to mint, sell, and engage with NFTs, they provide Web3 tools to deliver NFTs, merch, digital goods, reward tokens, and more.

Nick’s a leader in the NFT space. I discovered Nick through an article he wrote for MarketingProfs titled “What Marketers Need to Know About NFTs” I talk with Nick about everything from Web3 to cryptocurrency, but we spend most of our time learning about what NFTs are, plus, we chat about:

  • why they are attracting so much attention

  • how the rental economy impacts digital collectibles

  • whether NFTs are a complement to physical merchandise or a threat

  • And why brands -and subsequently we - should care!