If there’s one thing I’ve been impressed by the most over the past year, it’s how our suppliers are navigating these incredibly tough waters when it comes to supply chain.
But sometimes you might need a solution that doesn’t involve inventory.
That’s why I wanted to talk with Brian Duran. Brians’ the VP of Sales & Marketing for MediaTree Rewards. A leader in digital promotions, he has been with the company for a decade and has proven to be a problem solver when it comes to logistical challenges.
Brian plans to change the way you view gift cards. And as important, he’s changing the way we approach our customers. I’ve never had a supplier show up on the skucast and tell me, “don’t buy our product.” But Brian does just that.
Today, we have a quick chat around creating a plan B and also which sales trait Brian, the archer, has mastered when it comes to hitting the target.
Hang through to the end, you’ll discover what we’re talking about!