
Episode 127: From Solopreneur to CEO, Nate Bailey with Ideation — commonsku Blog

Written by Bobby Lehew | Nov 7, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Nate Bailey is Founder and President of Ideation Creative Brand Management based out of Portland, OR. Nate began his career just like many do in this business, as a solopreneur. Over the past three years Nate has tripled his growth, his team, and has emerged from solopreneur to sales leader and coach.

In today’s episode, we talk about this journey from salesperson to CEO, the struggles and triumphs of those early days and challenges around cash, biggest mistakes, learning how to scale, and we discuss one of Nate’s favorites topic and something he does really well that might be helpful to you, sales forecasting. 

Join us for a genuine and humble conversation with one of my favorite humans in the world, Nate Bailey.

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