
Distributor Panel: Selling Sustainability and Avoiding Brandfill (A Product Summit: Sustainability Video) — commonsku Blog

Written by Alyson Anderson | Jul 16, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Distributors are often in a state of reacting to sustainability requests: more often than not, many distributors shift to sustainable options only by the direction of the client.

But what’s changed is that more and more clients expect us to lead with sustainable and ethical sourcing options, and to present product ideas that honor their brand values. In order to do that, we need to learn how to communicate and position the right products for the right opportunity.

In this session, Denise Taschereau, co-founder of Fairware, interviews two veteran eco-focused distributors who are experts at just that: leading with sustainable options, exploring product opportunities that honor a client’s objectives, and navigating pricing options while helping customers achieve their objectives. Join us for a real-world discussion held by those how have pioneered the sustainable mission in our industry.